TheAmerican Legion will be hosting a statewide motorcycle trek with a pig roast on July 15th, 2014 starting at 9:30am. The event is at 1116 Angelo road and will include smoked pork and sides for only $10.00. All proceeds raised from the pig roast will be going directly to this national fundraiser program known as “The American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship Fund”. The goal of the Wisconsin American Legion is to raise $50,000 for this program. The riders will travel for three days and 900 miles, to meet and exceed that goal. Governor Scott Walker is in full support of this effort and has proclaimed July 14TH-16TH as “Gold Star Kids Days” in the state of Wisconsin. “Since September 2001, some 11,000 children have lost a parent in service to our country. These children are the innocent casualties of war”, said Commander Ken Rynes of American Legion Post No. 13 in Richland Center. “The American Legion's Legacy Scholarship Fund was created to ease their burden and we’ve established a goal of raising $50,000 to do our part.”, he continued. Individuals interested in supporting with their tax-deductible donations can register for “Rhino’s Run” on-line at All registered will receive a patch, pin and commemorative booklet while supplies last. Concerned citizens and members of the American Legion Family are also encouraged to participate by raising funds locally and meeting Commander Rynes and the Legion Riders when they arrive at stops in your area and presenting the proceeds. “Rhino’s Run” will begin Monday, July 14th at American Legion State Headquarters in Portage and will culminate on Wednesday, July 16th in Appleton. En route the Riders will travel to Camp American Legion and visit the following American Legion posts on the tour; Rosholt Post No. 509, Bruce Post No. 268, Brackett Post No. 550, Sparta Post No. 100, Richland Center Post No. 13, Darlington Post No. 214, Orfordville Post No. 209, Mukwonago Post No. 375, Oak Creek Post No. 434, Grafton Post No. 355, New Holstein Post No. 124 and Appleton Post No. 38. Contact American Legion State Adjutant David Kurtz at (608) 745-1090 for further information.
So come out and enjoy yourself- Again, the Sparta American Legion is fundraising to The American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship Fund on July 15th, starting at 9:30. Check donations may be made payable to Rhino’s Run. Your support is greatly appreciated The American Legion is open to the public daily, starting at 11am. The American Legion welcomes current and former member of the uniformed services, friends and families. For more information on the Legion’s services, activities and programs, please visit: